Where I go I do not know, where I’ve been’s been a thrill. Round and round I go to and fro, pack your bags because here we go.

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Model Photo-Fun


As I grow my brand and I my self am growing, I have been trying new things. Photography is still a labor of passion for me. Out of all the things I photograph, people are by far the most challenging, mostly because we are all insecure, meticulous, and tend to have this somewhat exaggerated ideal of what we look like. Its a challenge that overcame on this shoot you see below.

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Is it possible to capture the perfect moment?

Its been a great few days, being able to spend time editing pictures, check for imperfections, balancing contrast, playing with saturation. Its weird tho, when you first get the picture you want, you’re stoked! You think you’ve got the perfect shot( this is rare for me). Then time passes, you take more pictures, you try new lighting you go to new places, then you sit down and purge your sim card of all the pictures you’ve taken. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of pictures flood your computer, all of a sudden the perfect picture is gone. You look, and you see imperfection, you see a bird that messes up the composition of the shot. You see a neglected Snickers on the side walk that throws everything off. You edit, you drink coffee, you stay up too late and you edit. Then, and only then you have a collection of pictures that you think are good enough to share. You try to get that stoked feeling of the perfect shot again, and its gone. But you still share.

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Its been a While


Photography allows us to capture that perfect moment, its funny because afterwards we spend hours upon hours perfecting that perfect moment captured by the lens. Even then at best we are “ok” with the picture it doesn’t move us like the first time we took it.

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